Chalfont St Peter votes yes for neighbourhood plan
The people of Chalfont St Peter in Buckinghamshire have voted in favour of the proposed neighbourhood plan for the village at a referendum held on 5 March 2015. 1,632 people voted in favour of the plan compared to a ‘no’ vote of 426.
The approved plan provides a vision for the parish until 2028, and includes policies that support the village centre’s shops, broaden the mix of new housing to provide for the needs of different households, improve the design of new development and protect the Parish’s distinct open spaces.
Tibbalds Planning and Urban Design led the process of producing the plan for Chalfont St Peter Parish Council, coordinating input from volunteers from the Neighbourhood Plan Group.
Sue Rowlands, a Director of Tibbalds Planning and Urban Design, said:
“Despite their other challenges, neighbourhood plans are an opportunity to be really clear about a vision for a local area and how it can be practically met. The partnership approach – of Tibbalds leading the process of producing the plan based on input from local residents and groups – has achieved this, ensuring that the local community genuinely owns the plan.”
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