Gwynne Road proposals approved
Proposals submitted by Tibbalds on behalf of Farthings Investments Limited have been approved at Committee by Wandsworth Borough Council, for a residential led mixed use development at Gwynne Road, Battersea.
The proposals involve the demolition of an existing low-grade industrial building and the construction of a high quality, residential led mixed use development comprising:
- 33 mixed tenure residential dwellings (Use Class C3);
- 488 sqm (GIA) of new and replacement mixed commercial space (Use Class B1 and/or Class A1 to A4);
- basement level, storage, and cycle parking; and
- associated public realm improvements.
Tibbalds role was to ensure the key strategic aims for the project were met. These were drawn from the client’s brief, an assessment of the immediate and wider contexts and the prevailing planning policies.
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