Tibbalds secure planning for Lady Betty’s Drive
As part of Tibbalds’ long-term urban design and planning Framework Agreement with Hampshire County Council, we submitted an outline planning application for 75 residential on Council-owned land at Lady Betty’s Drive, Whiteley. The scheme secured planning approval at Winchester City Council’s Planning and Development Committee on 8 March.
The application addressed a range of complex issues, including: noise from the nearby M27 motorway, the retention of existing trees and hedgerows, and integrating ecologically sensitive areas into the scheme. Planning officers were initially reluctant to consider an outline application, as they felt that the site’s issues would be difficult to solve without a detailed application. However, we demonstrated that clear parameter plans and a strong Design and Access Statement would provide a robust framework for Reserved Matters applications whilst also leaving flexibility for the future developer’s own designs.
Once the Section 106 Agreement is completed, Hampshire County Council will market the site for disposal. As with other HCC schemes, Tibbalds will assist in this disposal process through providing guidance on the bid process and an assessment of submissions.
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