Northstowe Healthy New Town, Phase 3, finalist in Landscape Institute Awards
We congratulate Arcadis for Northstowe Healthy New Town – Phase 3 being selected a finalist in the Excellence in Public Health and Wellbeing category of the Landscape Institute Awards 2021.
We are excited for the recognition this project has gained. It was a pleasure to work together with Arcadis on this exciting new neighbourhood for Northstowe.
Northstowe, located just outside Cambridge in the UK, is an exemplar new town of 10,000 homes being designed with healthy living at its heart. A flagship development for Homes England, the UK Government’s housing accelerator for England, Northstowe is among the largest of ten front runners in a major initiative by NHS England: Healthy New Towns.
Tibbalds has supported Homes England in their role as master developer throughout the delivery of Phase 2 by leading the discharge of planning conditions and obligations, and also prepared a masterplan and two major outline planning applications for Phase 3 - the final phase of the town's development.
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