Tibbalds achieves planning for sensitive Hornsey Road site in Islington with RCKA Architects
On behalf of Volunteering Matters, a leading UK Volunteering Charity, Tibbalds Planning and Urban Design, along with RCKA architects, secured planning approval at the end of October for a proposed scheme at 179 Hornsey Road.
The proposal comprises nine new residential units partly set within a retained locally listed former school building, and also retains an element of the existing community space within another smaller existing building in line with Local Planning Policy. A key driver for the site was the opportunity to bring an unoccupied, Locally Listed building back into meaningful use (the community use ceased a number of years ago when Volunteering Matters relocated their training centre) and provide much needed family housing within the London Borough of Islington. The development will also provide financial contributions towards Islington’s small sites affordable housing contribution.
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