Tibbalds at NLA Housing Exhibition
Proposals led by Tibbalds for the regeneration of two Housing Estates in Camden featured as part of NLA’s Housing London exhibition, which was launched last night.
Many of the Tibbalds team were pleased to attend the exhibition, which looks at London’s housing growth requirements and what is being done to address them.
Tibbalds are involved in a number of projects which feature throughout the exhibition, most notably in proposals for the regeneration of the Tybalds and Bournes Estates in Camden. The projects are part of the Council’s Community Investment Programme which is a long-term programme bringing together a range of work focussed on ensuring best use of the Council’s assets to improve, shape and transform key places and services within Camden, whilst simultaneously addressing a critical capital funding gap.
The exhibition looks at how well the capital is keeping up with its housing targets, who is delivering new homes, the funding and policy context, exemplar projects, and new and imaginative ideas for designing and delivering new homes for London.
Running for eight weeks at NLA’s galleries at The Building Centre, the exhibition and its associated events aim to help inform the debate about how quality, quantity and varied homes can be delivered.
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