Tibbalds submits masterplan for Shorncliffe Garrison
Tibbalds Planning and Urban Design has recently completed a masterplan for a major planning application on behalf of Taylor Wimpey at Shorncliffe Garrison, to the west of Folkestone.
The vision is to create an attractive new quarter and integrated community over the next 15-20 years. The new community will include 1,200 new homes, significant areas of open space, including the retention of existing playing pitches as well as creation of new play areas, space for a new primary school, shops, community space including a new cadet hut and football changing facility and other services.
All parts of the site are currently in military use and are secured from public access, except for the ‘Backdoor Training Area’ to its west and includes several Listed Buildings and a Scheduled Ancient Monument (The Old Redoubt), all of which have important military connections.
The masterplan and design proposals for the development build strongly on the site’s military formation and its interesting and varied character. Open space within the heart of the site is also a key design feature, allowing access and views onto and across these key spaces for both existing and new residents. A new pedestrian and cycle-friendly spine route running through the proposals will help connect the development to Cheriton in the north and Sandgate and Seabrook in the south.
Land will be released by the MOD in phases as new military facilities are provided on land they are retaining. Therefore the site will be developed in phases over the next 15 years. This should enable homes to be delivered at a sustainable pace, minimising impact on neighbours and allowing the new community to grow and integrate over time with the existing areas of Cheriton and Sandgate as well as the wider Folkestone area.
The detailed element of the planning application includes the redevelopment of ‘St Martins Plain’, ‘The Stadium’, and the ‘Backdoor Training Area’ and includes:
- Erection of 294 dwellings including affordable housing;
- Demolition of existing buildings;
- Access from Church Road and accesses from Royal Military Avenue;
- New Access to St Martins Plain from Horn Street;
- Associated public open space;
- Improvements to The Stadium sports facilities and new car park;
- Necessary improvements/works to the backdoor training area secured via a Management Plan; and
- Associated services, infrastructure, landscaping and earthworks.
The submitted outline planning permission with all matters reserved for the remainder of the site includes proposals for:
- Erection of up to 906 dwellings including affordable housing;
- Demolition of a number of existing buildings and the retention and integration of a number of Listed buildings and a Water Tower;
- A new primary school and nursery;
- Combined improved changing facilities including cadet hut at The Stadium (D2);
- Community services and facilities, possibly comprising a doctor’s surgery (D1), shops (A1), café (A3), small scale B1a (offices), other assembly and leisure uses (D2) and Non-residential institutions, such as a nursery school or community hall (D1);
- Retained cricket pitches including U8 mini soccer pitches;
- Associated public open space;
- New access to the Northern Training Area from Cheriton Court Road;
- Accesses from West Road, North Road and Pond Hill, as appropriate; and
- Associated services, infrastructure, landscaping and earthworks.
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