Character Assessment (SPD), Bracknell
Promoting local character to inform development decisions
Bracknell Forest Council identified several areas which were under significant development pressure. To help the Council deliver good distinctive development in these areas, we prepared a character assessment that analysed their key characteristics and set out recommendations to inform both development proposals and development management decisions.

- Project Deliverables
- Produced a character assessment to inform new development proposals in the Borough
- Client
- Bracknell Forest Borough Council
- Collaborators
- Tibbalds and Kirkham Landscape Planning
- Location
- Berkshire, England
- Status
- Completed and adopted

Tibbalds was appointed by the borough council to produce a character assessment for areas that either were identified to have development potential or were under development pressure and at risk of losing their positive qualities. The areas identified for assessment included rural fringe and suburban areas, and towns such as Sandhurst and Crowthorne.
We assessed each area in terms of its landscape character, settlement pattern, urban design and built form. The character assessment was adopted as an SPD to inform development management decisions, develop proposals and it contributed towards providing the evidence base for the Council’s LDF. Since its adoption, the study has been successfully used:
- to formulate policy, e.g. the Site Allocations DPD;
- to inform the development management process, influencing development proposals, planning advice and the assessment of planning; and
- in appeal situations, proving our assessment to be well-founded and robust.
Our analytical approach identified the unique characteristics that were to be retained in each area, and used them as a basis to recommend guidelines for future development which would create positive qualities and enhance character within each area.
Core Team
Below are some of the key people that worked on this project.
Jane DannConsultant
Katja StilleDirector

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Learn more about our Character Assessment work at Bracknell or any of our projects by contacting one of our team
Call Katja on 0207 089 2121 or email